This is for my husband who continues to make me feel loved and blessed…
My husband is a paradox of a man.
He has a tough exterior, looking all man but still a baby inside. Beneath the tough and snooty facade is an intelligent, caring and sensitive human being who never fails to amaze me. He may create an impression of being all high and mighty but he is a man grounded on his beliefs and morals.
He may not show it frequently, but he is the most loving man I’ve known. In spite of my battle cry for being an independent woman, when I’m with him he makes me long to be protected, cared and loved. He breaks down my defenses.
What makes him stand out is his moral compass. His words maybe strong sometimes and dumbfounding but I have to admit, he is right most of the time. His strong sense of loyalty and family endear him most to us. I am excited to see how our kids will grow up to be, knowing that he has raised them well. Each day they mirror his qualities and with that I am glad.
He is not perfect but who is asking for perfection? He’s got everything I hoped for and more.
I may not say this very often but I am very lucky to have you DAD, I am what I am because of you.